We're home from our most recent trip and are working hard to get caught up on orders and getting our inventory back online.
Our critter Delta is dealing with repeated tooth infections. We already knew he needed extensive dental work done and had been saving for the procedures that will greatly improve his quality of life. With the infections he has now, however, he requires attention much sooner than we originally thought.
At this time it's just me running everything behind the scenes. That includes order fulfillment, email correspondence, stockroom management, inventory, and working on new designs. Y'all's patience is deeply appreciated!
We have a Ko-Fi for those that are in the position to help us fund these dental expenses and get Delta back to good health!
If you're not in any position to contribute, we definitely understand! If you want to help by spreading the word, we have posts on Twitter and Instagram as well.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope to have exciting news on new designs soon.